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4631 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
2SC4631NPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, high-voltage switching applicationSANYO-Electric-Co--Ltd-2079B3--84 K
CAT93C4631J-45TE131K 4.5-4.75V Supervisory circuits with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timerdistributorSOIC80°C70°C153 K
CAT93C4631K-45TE131K 4.5-4.75V Supervisory circuits with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timerdistributorSOIC80°C70°C153 K
CAT93C4631P-45TE131K 4.5-4.75V Supervisory circuits with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timerdistributorPDIP80°C70°C153 K
CAT93C4631S-45TE131K 4.5-4.75V Supervisory circuits with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timerdistributorSOIC80°C70°C153 K
MAX4631CPEFault-protected, high-voltage, dual analog switch (two NO SPST switches). Fault protection +-40V with power off, +-36V with +-15V supplies.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP160°C70°C207 K
MAX4631CSEFault-protected, high-voltage, dual analog switch (two NO SPST switches). Fault protection +-40V with power off, +-36V with +-15V supplies.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsNarrow SO160°C70°C207 K
MAX4631EPEFault-protected, high-voltage, dual analog switch (two NO SPST switches). Fault protection +-40V with power off, +-36V with +-15V supplies.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP16-40°C85°C207 K
MAX4631ESEFault-protected, high-voltage, dual analog switch (two NO SPST switches). Fault protection +-40V with power off, +-36V with +-15V supplies.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsNarrow SO16-40°C85°C207 K
MAX4631MJEFault-protected, high-voltage, dual analog switch (two NO SPST switches). Fault protection +-40V with power off, +-36V with +-15V supplies.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsCERDIP16-55°C125°C207 K
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