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822an datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
AD822AN18V; single supply, rail to rail low power FET-input Op Amp. For battery-powered precision instrumentation, photodiode preamps, active filters, 12/14-bit data acquisition systemsAnalog-DevicesDIP8-40°C85°C302 K
S-80822ANNP-EDK-T2 Low-voltage high-precision voltage detectorSeiko-Epson-Corporation-4-40°C85°C1 M
W91822AN13-memory tone/pulse dialer with handfree, lock and hold functionsWinbond-Electronics-22-20°C70°C260 K
W91F822AN13-flash memory tone/pulse dialer with hzndfree, lock and hold functionsWinbond-Electronics-22-20°C70°C231 K

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