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M-33 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
ICS9112M-33Frequency generator for fible channel systemdistributorSOIC80°C70°C227 K
ILC6390CM-333.3V Step-up PFM switcher with auto-load sensedistributorSOT5-30°C80°C525 K
ILC6390CM-333.3V Step-up PFM switcher with auto-load sensedistributorSOT5-30°C80°C525 K
ILC6391CM-333.3V Step-up PFM switcher with auto-load sensedistributorSOT5-30°C80°C525 K
ILC7070HCM-333.3V CMOS LDO regulator with shutdowndistributorSOT5-40°C85°C321 K
LM75DM-33R22-Wire Serial Temperature Sensor and MonitorON-Semiconductor----150 K
LP2966IMM-3333Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatordistributorMINI SOIC8--456 K
LP2966IMM-3333Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatordistributorMINI SOIC8--456 K
LP2966IMM-3336Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatordistributorMINI SOIC8--456 K
MT49H8M32FM-331Meg x 32 x 8 banks, DRAMdistributorFBGA1440°C70°C652 K
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