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SF83 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
SF83Super fast rectifier. Case positive Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 150 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 8.0 A.distributor-3-65°C150°C165 K
SF838.0 mA super fast rectifierdistributor-2-65°C150°C529 K
SF83150V; 8.0A super fast recovery rectifier and good for 200KHz power suppliesdistributor-2-65°C175°C63 K
SF83150 V, 8 A super fast rectifierdistributor-2-65°C150°C39 K
SF83Glass passivated super fast rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 150V, max RMS voltage 105V, max DC blocking voltage 150V. Max average forward recftified current 8.0A at Tc=100degCdistributor-3-65°C150°C24 K
SF83RSuper fast rectifier. Case negative Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 150 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 8.0 A.distributor-3-65°C150°C165 K
SF83SGlass passivated super fast rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 150V, max RMS voltage 105V, max DC blocking voltage 150V. Max average forward recftified current 8.0A at Tc=100degCdistributorD2PAK3-65°C150°C23 K

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