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SK1 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Datasheet archive


Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
2SK1062Silicon N channel field effect transistor for high speed switching applications, analog switch applications and interface applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C192 K
2SK1382Silicon N channel field effect transistor for high speed switching applications, relay drive and motor drive applications, DC-DC converter applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C263 K
2SK1486Silicon N channel field effect transistor for high speed, high current switching applications, chopper regulator, DC-DC converter and motor drive applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C257 K
2SK1489Silicon N channel field effect transistor for high speed, high current switching applications, chopper regulator applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C255 K
2SK1489Silicon N channel field effect transistor for high speed, high current switching applications, chopper regulator applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C255 K
3SK153Silicon N channel field effect transistor for TV tuner, UHF RF amplifier applications and TV tuner, VHF wide band RF amplifier applicationsToshiba-4-55°C125°C212 K
3SK153Silicon N channel field effect transistor for TV tuner, UHF RF amplifier applications and TV tuner, VHF wide band RF amplifier applicationsToshiba-4-55°C125°C212 K
3SK195Silicon N channel field effect transistor for TV tuner, VHF RF amplifier applications and FM tuner applicationsToshiba-4-55°C125°C223 K
HSK120High frequency small signal diodedistributorLLD---26 K
HSK122High frequency small signal diodedistributorLLD---27 K
1 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

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