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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
MAX1160ACPI10-bit, 20 Msps, TTL-output ADCMaxim-Integrated-ProducsWide plastic DIP280°C70°C76 K
MAX1161ACPI10-bit, 40 Msps, TTL-output ADCMaxim-Integrated-ProducsWide plastic DIP280°C70°C78 K
MAX1480ACPIComplete, isolated RS-485/RS-422 data inteface.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsWide plastic DIP280°C70°C277 K
MAX161ACPICMOS 8-bit 8-channel data acquisition system. Error 1 7/8 LSBMaxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C342 K
MAX161ACPICMOS 8-bit 8-channel data acquisition system. Error 1 7/8 LSBMaxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C342 K
MAX174ACPIIndustry standard complete 12-bit A/D converter. 8 microsec. max conversion time. Linearity (LSBs) 1/2. TEMPCO (ppm/C) 10.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C559 K
MAX174ACPIIndustry standard complete 12-bit A/D converter. 8 microsec. max conversion time. Linearity (LSBs) 1/2. TEMPCO (ppm/C) 10.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C559 K
MAX182ACPICalibrated 4-channel 12-bit ADC with T/H and reference.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C452 K
MAX263ACPIPin programmable univesal and bandpass filter. Accuracy 1%.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C2 M
MAX264ACPIPin programmable univesal and bandpass filter. Accuracy 1%.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP280°C70°C2 M
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