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qt60161 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
QT60161-AS0.5-5.5V; 10mA; 18-key QMatrix keypanel sensor IC. For security and industrial keypanels, appliance controls, vandal-proof keypads, ATM machines, touch-screens, automotive controls, PC/peripherals controlsdistributorTQFP44-40°C105°C600 K
QT60161-S0.5-5.5V; 10mA; 18-key QMatrix keypanel sensor IC. For security and industrial keypanels, appliance controls, vandal-proof keypads, ATM machines, touch-screens, automotive controls, PC/peripherals controlsdistributorTQFP440°C70°C600 K
QT60161B-AS0.5-5.5V; 10mA; 16-key QMatrix keypanel sensor IC. For security and industrial keypanels, appliance controls, vandal-proof keypads, ATM machines, touch-screens, automotive controls, PC/peripherals controlsdistributorTQFP44-40°C85°C683 K

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