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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
2DI30D-050APower transistor module for high power switching, AC and DC motor control applicationsdistributorM2087--104 K
2DI50D-050APower transistor module for high power switching, DC motor control applicationsdistributorM2087--99 K
2DI75D-050APower transistor module for high power switching, Ac and DC motor control applicationsdistributorM2087--98 K
BA050LBSGSuper-mini package regulator ICROHMSMP55-40°C85°C129 K
BU2050F8-bit serial in, parallel out driver ICROHMSOP1414-25°C85°C55 K
MBR2050CTSchottky RectifierGeneral-Semiconductor----81 K
MBR3050PTSchottky RectifierGeneral-Semiconductor----74 K
MR30509.MP8APcb Mount Led Indicator. T-1 3/4 (5 mm) - Side Viewdistributor----70 K
MR30509.MP8BPcb Mount Led Indicator. T-1 3/4 (5 mm) - Side Viewdistributor----70 K
MR30509.MP90Pcb Mount Led Indicator. T-1 3/4 (5 mm) Bileveldistributor----70 K
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