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4144 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
1N4144 Leaded Devicesdistributor---62 K
HT84144144 sec Magic Voice (programmable speech synthesizer and tone generator)Holtek-Semiconductor-Inc-SKDIP28-20°C70°C246 K
MAX4144EEEHigh-speed, low-distortion, differential line receiver. 2V/V internally fixed gain, 130MHz bahdwidth.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsQSOP16-40°C85°C212 K
MAX4144ESDHigh-speed, low-distortion, differential line receiver. 2V/V internally fixed gain, 130MHz bahdwidth.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsSO14-40°C85°C212 K
MC144144PEnhanced closed-caption decoderMotorolaPDIP18--565 K
MC44144DSubcarrier phase-locked loopMotorola-80°C70°C117 K
MC44144PSubcarrier phase-locked loopMotorolaPDIP80°C70°C117 K
OR2C04A-4144IORCA feild-programmable gate array. Voltage 5.0 V.distributorTQFP144-40°C85°C3 M
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