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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
2SC5142Silicon NPN transistor for horizontal deflection output for high resolution display, color TV and high speed switching applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C204 K
2SC5143Silicon NPN transistor for horizontal deflection output for high resolution display, color TV and high speed switching applicationsToshiba-3-55°C150°C191 K
74HC4514D4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer with input latchesPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT137---76 K
74HC4514D4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer with input latchesPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT137---76 K
BUK7514-55TrenchMOS transistor Standard level FETPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT78---64 K
BUK7514-55ATrenchMOS transistor Standard level FETPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT78---64 K
BUK9514-55TrenchMOS transistor Logic level FETPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT78---65 K
BUK9514-55ATrenchMOS transistor Logic level FETPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT78---65 K
TDA1514A/N750 W high performance hi-fi amplifierPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT131---74 K
TSA5514/C21.3 GHz bidirectional µC-bus controlled synthesizerPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT102---149 K
TSA5514AT/C21.3 GHz bidirectional µC-bus controlled synthesizerPhilips-SemiconductorsSOT163---149 K
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