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BCN datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
DS4026S+BCN 10MHz to 51.84MHz TCXOMaxim-Integrated-Producs---256 K
LTC1291BCN8Single chip 12-Bit data acquisition systemLinear-TechnologyPDIP80°C70°C325 K
LTC1595BCN8Serial 16-bit multiplying DACsLinear-TechnologyPDIP80°C70°C256 K
MAX156BCNG4-channel ADC with simultaneous T/Hs and reference. Error +-1 LSB.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP240°C70°C624 K
MAX274BCNG8th-order continuous-time active filterMaxim-Integrated-ProducsPDIP240°C70°C7 M
MAX505BCNGQuad 8-bit DAC with Rail-to-Rail voltage outputs. Double-buffered logic inputs. TUE +-3/2 LSB.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsNarrow plastic DIP240°C70°C554 K
MAX530BCNG+5V, low-power, parallel-input, voltage-output, 12-bit DAC. Error +-1.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsNarrow plastic DIP240°C70°C140 K
MAX780BCNGDual-slot PCMCIA analog power controller. Register for direct connection to CPU data bus. Dual Vpp switches & level shifter for Vcc switching.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsNarrow plastic DIP240°C70°C134 K
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