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Bu508 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
BU5085Ampere horizontal deflection transistordistributor-3-65°C150°C162 K
BU508A5Ampere horizontal deflection transistordistributor-3-65°C150°C162 K
BU508ANPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in large screen color deflection circuits. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vces = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 8Adc, PD = 125W.distributor-3-65°C150°C48 K
BU508ANPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor. Color TV horizontal output applications(no damper diode)Wing-Shing-Electronic-Co----manufacturer-of-power-semiconductors-3--70 K
BU508AFSilicon diffused power transistor. Switching power circuites of color TV receivers.Wing-Shing-Electronic-Co----manufacturer-of-power-semiconductors-3--142 K
BU508D5Ampere horizontal deflection transistordistributor-3-65°C150°C162 K
BU508DNPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 8Amp, 1500V, 125Watt.distributor-3-65°C150°C48 K
BU508DSilicon diffused power transistor. Horizontal deflection circuites of color TV receivers.Wing-Shing-Electronic-Co----manufacturer-of-power-semiconductors-3--84 K
BU508DFSilicon diffused power transistor. Horizontal deflection circuites of color TV receivers.Wing-Shing-Electronic-Co----manufacturer-of-power-semiconductors-3--141 K
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