Electronic component: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | Datasheet |
| 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter (Rev. D) | Texas-Instruments | - | | - | - | 471 K |
DAC8550IDGKTG4 | 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter (Rev. D) | Texas-Instruments | - | | - | - | 471 K |
| 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/°C Internal Ref | Texas-Instruments | - | | - | - | 1021 K |
| 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/°C Internal Ref | Texas-Instruments | - | | - | - | 1021 K |
| 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/°C Internal Ref | Texas-Instruments | - | | - | - | 1021 K |
DAC8560IDDGKTG4 | 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/°C Internal Ref | Texas-Instruments | - | | - | - | 1021 K |
HGTG40N60A4 | 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT | Fairchild-Semiconductor | - | - | - | - | 181 K |
HGTG40N60A4 | 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT | Intersil-Corporation | - | - | - | - | 93 K |
HGTG40N60B3 | 70A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT | Intersil-Corporation | - | - | - | - | 76 K |
HGTG40N60C3 | 75A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT | Intersil-Corporation | - | - | - | - | 79 K |
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