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mh886 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
MH886000.3-15V; 4W; global SLIC. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, central office equipmentdistributorDIL400°C70°C122 K
MH8861015V; german subscriber line interface circuit. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systemsdistributorSIL200°C70°C63 K
MH886120.3-15V; subscriber line interface circuit. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systemsdistributorSIL200°C70°C64 K
MH88612C0.3-15V; 2W; subscriber line interface circuit. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systemsdistributorSIL200°C70°C66 K
MH88612K0.3-15V; 2W; subscriber line interface circuit. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systemsdistributorSIL300°C70°C72 K
MH886140.3-15V; 2.5W; programmable CODEC SLIC. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systemsdistributorSIL300°C70°C90 K
MH88631-2Central office interface (LS/GS) with 50Hz ringing voltage. Applications: PBX interface to central office, channel bank, intercom, key systems.distributor-400°C70°C87 K
MH88632Central office interface circuit for PBX, key telephone systems, channel bank, voice mail, terminal equipment and digital loop carrier.distributor-400°C70°C156 K
MH88634-2Central office interface circuit for PBX, key telephone systems, channel bank, voice mail, terminal equipment, optical multiplexers and digital loop carrier.distributor-210°C70°C62 K
MH88634KCentral office interface circuit for PBX, key telephone systems, channel bank, voice mail, terminal equipment, optical multiplexers and digital loop carrier.distributor-210°C70°C66 K
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