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48AC datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
MAX1248ACEE+2.7V to 5.25V, low-power, 4-channel, serial 10-bit ADC. INL (LSB) +1/2,-1/2Maxim-Integrated-ProducsQSOP160°C70°C242 K
MAX1248ACPE+2.7V to 5.25V, low-power, 4-channel, serial 10-bit ADC. INL (LSB) +1/2,-1/2Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP160°C70°C242 K
MAX148ACAP+2.7V to +5.25V, low-power, 8-channel, serial 10-bit ADC. INL(LSB) +-1/2.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsSSOP200°C70°C221 K
MAX148ACPP+2.7V to +5.25V, low-power, 8-channel, serial 10-bit ADC. INL(LSB) +-1/2.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP200°C70°C221 K
MAX448ACPDQuad high-speed, fast-settling, high output current operational amplifierMaxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP140°C70°C146 K
MAX448ACSDQuad high-speed, fast-settling, high output current operational amplifierMaxim-Integrated-ProducsSmall Outline140°C70°C146 K
MAX548AC/D+2.5V to +5.5V, low-power, dual, 8-bit voltage-output DAC with an asynchronous load input; it uses Vdd as the reference input.Maxim-Integrated-ProducsDice-0°C70°C172 K
MAX548ACPA+2.5V to +5.5V, low-power, dual 8-bit voltage-output DAC with an asynchronous load input; it uses Vdd as the reference input. .Maxim-Integrated-ProducsPlastic DIP80°C70°C172 K
NL6448AC33-18A10.4 inches color LCDNEC-Electronics-Inc-----145 K
NL6448AC33-29Diagonal 26cm(10.4 inches) display area color LCDNEC-Electronics-Inc-----177 K
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