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SN110 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
SN11010FUSB to ATA/ATAPI interface controllerdistributorLQFP480°C70°C151 K
SN110113.3 V, USB to CF/ATA/ATAPI interface controller, mass storage class compliantdistributorLQFP480°C70°C225 K
SN110123.3 V, USB to SM/flash interface controller, mass storage class compliantdistributorLQFP480°C70°C523 K
SN11020FUSB to ATA/ATAPI/SD/MMC interface controllerdistributorLQFP800°C70°C110 K
SN110303.3 V, USB to CF/ATA/SM/flash interface controller, mass storage class compliantdistributorLQFP800°C70°C236 K
SN110833.3 V, USB to flash interface controller, mass storage class compliantdistributorLQFP480°C70°C523 K
SN110853.3 V, USB1.1 flash memory controllerdistributorLQFP480°C70°C229 K
SN110863.3 V, Second generation USB1.1 flash memory controllerdistributorLQFP480°C70°C227 K
SN110873.3 V, Second generation USB1.1 flash memory controllerdistributorLQFP480°C70°C227 K

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