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Z15 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
3EZ150D51 to 3 watt zener regulator diodeMotorola-2-65°C200°C156 K
3EZ150D5Zener Voltage Regulator DiodeMicrosemi-Corporation----69 K
3EZ15D51 to 3 watt zener regulator diodeMotorola-2-65°C200°C156 K
3EZ15D5Zener Voltage Regulator DiodeMicrosemi-Corporation----69 K
EZ1587CT-1.51.5V 3.0 AMP low dropout positive voltage regulatorSemtech-Corporation-30°C125°C86 K
EZ1587CT-1.81.8V 3.0 AMP low dropout positive voltage regulatorSemtech-Corporation-30°C125°C86 K
EZ1588CT-2.52.5 V 2.0 AMP low dropout positive voltage regulatorSemtech-Corporation-30°C125°C97 K
EZ1588CT-3.33.3 V 2.0 AMP low dropout positive voltage regulatorSemtech-Corporation-30°C125°C97 K
MMBZ15VALT1SOT-23 dual monolithic common anode zenerMotorola-3-55°C150°C129 K
MMSZ15T1Plastic surface mount zener diode 500 milliwattsMotorola-2-55°C150°C258 K
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