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J110 datasheet. Datasheets search system

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Electronic component:Description:Manuf.PackagePinsT°minT°maxDatasheet
1.5FMCJ110Surface mount transient voltage suppressor (TVS). 1500W peak power, 5.0W steady state. Breakdown voltage 99.0V(min), 121V(max). For bidirectional use C or CA suffix.distributor-2-65°C175°C1 M
1.5FMCJ110ASurface mount transient voltage suppressor (TVS). 1500W peak power, 5.0W steady state. Breakdown voltage 105V(min), 116V(max). For bidirectional use C or CA suffix.distributor-2-65°C175°C1 M
J110N-Channel silicon junction field-effect transistordistributor-3--92 K
J110Low noise N-channel JFET switchLinear-Integrated-System-Inc-Linear-Systems-3-65°C200°C92 K
J110AN-Channel silicon junction field-effect transistordistributor-3--92 K
J110ALow noise N-channel JFET switchLinear-Integrated-System-Inc-Linear-Systems-3-65°C200°C92 K
P4FMAJ110GPP transient voltage suppressor. Breakdown voltage 99.0V to 121V. 400W peak power, 1.0W steady stat. For bidirectional use C or CA suffixs (ex. P4FMAJ6.8C, P4FMAJ400CA)distributor-2-65°C175°C1 M
P4FMAJ110AGPP transient voltage suppressor. Breakdown voltage 105V to 116V. 400W peak power, 1.0W steady stat. For bidirectional use C or CA suffixs (ex. P4FMAJ6.8C, P4FMAJ400CA)distributor-2-65°C175°C1 M
SMPJ110N-Channel silicon junction field-effect transistordistributorSMD3--92 K
SMPJ110AN-Channel silicon junction field-effect transistordistributorSMD3--92 K
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