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Flickering Fire Light - LED or Bulb flicker shimmer randomly like candle flame or fire
Personal Alarm - These handheld piezo screamers are also known as rape alarms. They are a very loud siren.
Flashing Flashlight - Meant for use as an emergency flashlight for your glove compartment.
Flashing Road Barricade
Stun Gun
High Temperature ALARM
Electronic Siren
Electronic Security door key 2
Electronic Security door key 1
Basic RDS Encoder Unit
FM Telephone Bug
Small Radio Transmitter
Parallel port dongle (12C508A) By using the PIC 12C508 MCU from Microchip, we can make a cheap and simple hardware protection key (dongle).
Dongle -serial port (12C508A) This device is NOT a professional dongle. You can use it to protect your software , but you must agree with its major disadvantage: it needs one of the COM ports on your PC. The advantages are the low cost and simplicity.
Small Radio Transmitter
FM Transmitter
Telephone line monitor. If you feel that somebody is tampering with your telephone line you might find this little circuit useful. It detects if there is another telephone connected to the line, if there is a short or an open line. (simple)
Economy radar detector
Bootstrp/ PLL ( Phase Locked Loop) (Metal detector theory) (33 Kb)
Cheesemd2 (Metal detector theory-BFO) part2 (328Kb)
Cheesemd1 (Metal detector theory-BFO) part1 (181 Kb)
Aircore (Metal detector theory) (162 Kb)
Metal Detector Description James Trevelyan (Metal detector theory)
BFO Theory (Metal detector theory) (59 Kb)
Electronic door codelock (PIC projects)
FM bug
Electronic "snap"
Electronic lock
Car indicator alarm
Dummy alarm
Two tone siren
Electronic siren
Geiger counter
Metal detector
Tiny 2-zone alarm
Doorphone intercom
Smart lock (12C508A). The base sends a data sequency (the password) which is recognized by the key. The key checks the sequency and -if it recognises it -sends to the base another data sequency, as an answer to the password. At the time when the base gets a correct answer (which means that the key has been introduced), the relay is put into action, and it can command a number of consummers.
UltraSonic Radar
Transmiter Detector
Electronic Card- Lock System
Automatic Emergency Light
IC Controlled Emergency Light with Charger
Fire Alarm
Car Anti-Theft Wireless Alarm
Electronic Code Lock
Magnetic Gun
Audio Perimeter Monitor
Digital Combination Lock
Frost Alarm or Cold Activated Switch
Gate Alarm Circuit
Deer Repellent (18k) This seismic sensor can detect and frighten away intruders.
Fridge Alarm (9k) Alerts you when the refrigerator door is left open.
The Surfer’s Preserver. It is a simple device that prevents other phones in the house from disrupting your critical Internet session by disconnecting them from the line while you surf! It is also useful in preventing eavesdropping from other extensions.
Fridge door Alarm. Beeps if you left open the door over 20 seconds. 3V battery operation, simple circuitry
Garage Door Opener Scanner
FM Telephone Bug
Barry's Magnetic Levitation. Magnetic levitator. The pages include complete design details for an antigravity relay to levitate small iron parts.
One-IC two-tones Siren. Double tone Police sound. Single tone old ambulance sound
Stun gun (3)
Stun gun (2)
Stun gun (1)
Door knob alarm (PDF)
Electronic door codelock (PIC16F84)
Personal silent alarm system
Digital entry lock
Toxic Gas Detector
Moisture alarm
Proximity switch
Ultrasonic remote control & alarm system
Proximity alarm
Micro-power over temperature alarm (PDF)
Fridge door alarm
Water seepage alarm (PDF)
Wire loop alarm
Electronic lock
Simple alarm system
Enhanced 5 Digit Alarm Keypad
Miniature loop alarm
Novel Buzzer
RF Alarm
Single Zone Alarm
Modular Burglar Alarm
Home security project
5 Zone alarm circuit
PIR motion detector
Active IR motion detector
Gate alarm circuit
A Basic RF Transmitter for PIR Sensors
Enhanced 4 Digit Alarm Keypad
Motorcycle alarm
Combination Lock (PIC16F84)
Low power RFID transponder
Almost Ultrasonic Motion Sensor
Touch activated alarm system
Alarm control keypad
Digital combination lock
Perimeter monitor
Water level alarm
Water Activated Alarm
Alarm Circuits
Enhanced Alarm Keypad
Gate Alarm
Miniature Loop Alarm
Modular Burglar Alarm
Motorcycle Alarm
Radio Wave Alarm
Water Activated Alarm
5 Zone Alarm
Buzzer Circuit
Water Level Alarm
- Electronic portal 2003-2024