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Radio | Electronic circuits

Example: Infrared control system
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Electronic circuits -> Radio

TV/Radio antenna wire isolator
Two band radio
Two-band radio
UHF - 100W Transistorized amplifier
UHF oscillator
UHF Preamplier
Ultra low frequency receiver. The frequency covered is from 0.1Hz to 10Hz and useful signals are received up to 16Hz. (simple)
Underground Radio - How to use conductive soil (underground water table) to transmit audio or radio signals. During World War II there were situations were conventional radio was useless, either because enemy jamming or just for hidding purpouses; thus, radio operators forced off the air, tried a different aproach... underground radio. Although it's obviously a less efficient system, it works perfectly well if we find a good conductive sheet beneath.
Using mixers in radio communications. (The Linear Diode Detector for AM Demodulation/ The Product Detector for SSB, DSB, and CW Demodulation/ The Quadrature Demodulator/ Costas Loop for Demodulating a BPSK Signal/ Costas Loop for Demodulating a QPSK Signal/ The Filter Method of SSB Generation/ The Phasing Method of SSB Generation/ The Weaver Method of SSB Generation/ The Filter Method of Image Rejection/ The Phasing Method of Image Rejection/ The Weaver Method of Image Rejection)
Variety of receiver converter projects
VFO from 2001 ARRL Handbook, page 17.74
VFO from 2001 ARRL Handbook, page 14.20
Vibrating pocket bug detector
VLF radio receiver schematic
Windscreenloop aerial. If you do not like the whip antenna on your car, you may try this alternative circuit. (simple)
Wireless IR h"phone transmitter
WLW 500KW Transmitter Schematic
WWV Converter for the Car. Receive WWV at 10 MHz and other shortwave broadcasts as you drive.
Yaesu , Vertex radiostation FT-840 - 2.1mb
Yaesu , Vertex radiostation VX-1R - DjVu-404kb

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