Full-duplex doorphone with 3 wires connection
Full-duplex doorphone with 3 wires connection
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Pic24C programmer. Pic 16C/F84 ,24Cxx and 12C508 Combi programmer. Full mouse support, user friendly interface with pulldown menu, HEX save, Bin save, all popular programming interfaces supported PicBust option
Doorphone Intercom
Doorphone intercom
Full-duplex doorphone with 3 wires connection.
Doorphone Intercom
Electric field detector. The circuit will come handy when you have to follow the mains wires buried in the wall or even water pipes provided they are not too far away (2-4cm max). (simple)
BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT. In this circuit, a potentiometer controls both the speed and direction of a small bipolar stepping motor like those found in many 5 1/4" floppy disk drives. Note that the bipolar motors are distinguished from "unipolar" types, in that bipolar units have two coils instead of four, and four wires instead of five. With the potentiometer at the extreme counterclockwise position, the motor runs counterclockwise at the maximum speed. Rotating the potentiometer toward the center slows the motor, until it stops. Continuing potentiometer rotation clockwise, the motor starts to run clockwise, increasing in speed to the maximum clockwise position.
BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT. In this circuit, a potentiometer controls both the speed and direction of a small bipolar stepping motor like those found in many 5 1/4" floppy disk drives. Note that the bipolar motors are distinguished from "unipolar" types, in that bipolar units have two coils instead of four, and four wires instead of five. With the potentiometer at the extreme counterclockwise position, the motor runs counterclockwise at the maximum speed. Rotating the potentiometer toward the center slows the motor, until it stops. Continuing potentiometer rotation clockwise, the motor starts to run clockwise, increasing in speed to the maximum clockwise position.
Using PicBasic with the PIC16F84 PIC Microcontroller. Creating & Using Asynchronous Serial Solutions: How to build your own 12-Pin I/O-expander using the PIC16F84 and PicBasic. This project will control up to 12 individual relays through a serial connection to your PC or other asynchronous serial interface.
Building a Serial Servo Motor Controller. Controlling Hobby Servo Motors: Servo-Commander. This article shows how to program the PIC16F84 to control up to 8 hobby servo motors with the PIC and PC serial port. This article includes the complete PicBasic code and full Visual Basic "Servo-Commander" software.
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