One 9V battery gives +18, +25, +33V
One 9V battery gives +18, +25, +33V
Related electronic circuits:
Deoderizer Fan Pushbutton Timer - A battery operated fan blows air accross a stinky pad. For use in a bathroom or car. I've seen similar circuits used in plastic pot-pourri containers.
Different out voltages from 12V Battery
Discharge Idicator for 12V Battery (Lead Acid)
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Car Battery Charger
Tape Head Demagnetizer Cassettes - Demagnetizer cassettes contain a battery powerd circuit
Three Level Audio Power Indicator. Battery-operated 3 LED display
Fridge door Alarm. Beeps if you left open the door over 20 seconds. 3V battery operation, simple circuitry
Flashlight Timers - Children's flashlights often have timers to preserve battery life
ATTENTION! One 9V battery gives +18, +25, +33V
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