Interface cables for various cell phones
Interface cables for various cell phones
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Pic24C programmer. Pic 16C/F84 ,24Cxx and 12C508 Combi programmer. Full mouse support, user friendly interface with pulldown menu, HEX save, Bin save, all popular programming interfaces supported PicBust option
24 Line Parallel Interface for the PC (15k) - only schematic
The Surfer’s Preserver. It is a simple device that prevents other phones in the house from disrupting your critical Internet session by disconnecting them from the line while you surf! It is also useful in preventing eavesdropping from other extensions.
MIDI Interface for Soundblaster compatible cards
24-bit parallel port interface with 8255 (Commodore projects)
HWB (Hardware Book) by (C) Joakim Ogren (Connectors, Cables, Adapters, Circuits)
24 Line Parallel Interface for the PC (540k) Based on the older 8255A, this simple parallel interface provides 24 I/O lines.
Joystick Interface Projects
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
ATTENTION! Interface cables for various cell phones
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