Speaker Microphone
Related electronic circuits:
Dynamic Microphone Preamp - These are often found inside old 2way radio microphones
Rane. Real-Time spectrum analyzer, Compressor, Swiss army mixer, Active crossover, Crossover, Graphic equalizer, Headphone controller, Microphone amplifier, Microphone equalizer, Mixer.
Low impedance microphone amplifier
Wireless microphone
Underwater microphone
Rane MS 1 - MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER/ Transistor Preamplifier
Speaker Microphone Circuit- allows you to use a cheap loudspeaker as a microphone.
Audio Amplifiers for Small Speaker Applications (32k) Two high gain amplifiers for adding audio to many projects.
Computer Speaker Amplifier (12k) This three-transistor amplifier delivers about 2 watts to an 8 ohm speaker.
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