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Tektronix THS720 Screen Capture Software. Basic software, not like the fancy stuff that costs real money.

Example: Infrared control system
Electronic circuits archive 

Tektronix THS720 Screen Capture Software. Basic software, not like the fancy stuff that costs real money.


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AUDIO SWEEP OSCILATOR. This circuit was designed for a sound effect, but may serve other useful purposes when a basic, swept-frequency audio source is required. It produces both square and triangular wave outputs that ascend from about 80 to 730 Hertz in a repeating cycle of about 12 seconds. Appropriate component-value substitutions will yield variations in these parameters.

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ATTENTION! Tektronix THS720 Screen Capture Software. Basic software, not like the fancy stuff that costs real money. , as all other schemes are located on the sites of their rightful owners. We are not liable for the contents of other sites as well as the site having a circuit Tektronix THS720 Screen Capture Software. Basic software, not like the fancy stuff that costs real money. . Pressing the button you must get onto a page with Tektronix THS720 Screen Capture Software. Basic software, not like the fancy stuff that costs real money. .

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