Results 141 - 150 of about 218
DC Push Button Motor Control Circuit
Category: Motor controls Source: http://www.mitedu.freeserve.co.uk/
| Vibrato Circuit for Guitar, Steel, Bass, Etc.
Category: Music Source: http://www.designnotes.com/
| Sun tracking circuit for solar arrays
Category: Solar energy Source: http://circuitos.tripod.cl/
| Power-On Time Delay Relay Circuit
Category: Oscillators Source: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/
| Power-Off Time Delay Relay Circuit
Category: Oscillators Source: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/
| BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT. In this circuit, a potentiometer controls both the speed and direction of a small bipolar stepping motor like those found in many 5 1/4" floppy disk drives. Note that the bipolar motors are distinguished from "unipolar" types, in that bipolar units have two coils instead of four, and four wires instead of five. With the potentiometer at the extreme counterclockwise position, the motor runs counterclockwise at the maximum speed. Rotating the potentiometer toward the center slows the motor, until it stops. Continuing potentiometer rotation clockwise, the motor starts to run clockwise, increasing in speed to the maximum clockwise position. [ file in RAR format ] - download WinRAR Category: Computer Source: Art's Theremin Page
| BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT. In this circuit, a potentiometer controls both the speed and direction of a small bipolar stepping motor like those found in many 5 1/4" floppy disk drives. Note that the bipolar motors are distinguished from "unipolar" types, in that bipolar units have two coils instead of four, and four wires instead of five. With the potentiometer at the extreme counterclockwise position, the motor runs counterclockwise at the maximum speed. Rotating the potentiometer toward the center slows the motor, until it stops. Continuing potentiometer rotation clockwise, the motor starts to run clockwise, increasing in speed to the maximum clockwise position. [ file in RAR format ] - download WinRAR Category: RC Modeling Source: Art's Theremin Page
| Op amp circuit #4- Simple 4-input mixer stage. Category: Miscellaneous Source: DIBs Circats
| Game referee circuit for snap & musical chairs Category: Miscellaneous Source: 4QDs pages
| Op amp circuit #4- Simple 4-input mixer stage. Category: Audio Source: DIBs Circats
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