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Light show. Computer parallel port can be used for many purposes. One of them could be user circuit control, for example light effect.
Category: Computer
Source: Saulius Krauleda home page
Lantern Flasher/Dimmer (12k) Add this circuit to an existing lantern or build your own and your batteries will last much longer.
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Category: Power Suply
Source: Wenzel Associates
Light show. Computer parallel port can be used for many purposes. One of them could be user circuit control, for example light effect.
Category: Light/Laser/IR
Source: Saulius Krauleda home page
Lantern Flasher/Dimmer (12k) Add this circuit to an existing lantern or build your own and your batteries will last much longer.
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Category: Light/Laser/IR
Source: Wenzel Associates
DIGITAL NOISE GENERATOR. This circuit produces a repeating sequence of serial data that contains attributes useful for emulating audible noise.
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Category: Oscillators
Source: Art's Theremin Page
DIGITAL NOISE GENERATOR. This circuit produces a repeating sequence of serial data that contains attributes useful for emulating audible noise.
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Category: Digital/Microcontrollers
Source: Art's Theremin Page
Op amp circuit #1- Basic inverting and non-inverting circuits.
Category: Miscellaneous
Source: DIBs Circats
Speaker Microphone Circuit- allows you to use a cheap loudspeaker as a microphone.
Category: Audio
Source: Circuit Exchange International
Op amp circuit #1- Basic inverting and non-inverting circuits.
Category: Audio
Source: DIBs Circats
Color Organ Light - Flashes coloured christmas type lightbulbs to music. This circuit works REALLY well. Notice how it will fire even in complete silence. This provides a sort of automatic gain control.
Category: Domestic
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
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