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Digital/Microcontrollers | Electronic circuits

Example: Infrared control system
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Electronic circuits -> Digital/Microcontrollers

AT89C51/52/55 Easy-Downloader
AT90S8515 experimenter board
Atmel 8051 Flash Based-Microcontroller Programmer
Atmel 89C Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer
Atmel AVR RCEN fuse bit programmer
Automatic door opener (PIC projects)
Automatic door opener with PIC12C508
AVR Beacon Super Keyer
AVR Digital Voltmeter
AVR Signal Generator
AVR to USB interface
AVR-Based Serial Port IR Receiver
Bachelor project. Computerised house control. Room control. Wide physical dimension measuring range (temperature measuring range from –10 to +50 0C, light intensity measuring range from dark to high brightness)
Basic PIC 16C84 programmer for PC parallel port by David Tait
Basic stamp interface circuits
Basic Stamp Lightning Activity Monitor
BookPC MP3 Player. A small computer running Linux with 12 volt power supply and wired remote control makes a great sound system for a car.
Buffered PIC chip interface
Build a PIC controlled DDS VFO, 0 to 6 MHz
Building a Serial Servo Motor Controller. Controlling Hobby Servo Motors: Servo-Commander. This article shows how to program the PIC16F84 to control up to 8 hobby servo motors with the PIC and PC serial port. This article includes the complete PicBasic code and full Visual Basic "Servo-Commander" software.

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